Eating Set with Green Ray-Skin and Gold-Plated Mounting

Inventory number: 83a-c

Photos by Fabian Glawe

© Collection Asian Eating Sets, Dieter Ammer / Photo: Fabian Glawe
The photographs can be used free of charge for scholarly purposes as long as the collection and the photographer are cited. We will send you high-resolution files on request. Please send us a copy of the publication afterwards (scanned and/or as a PDF).

Origin: probably China

Dimensions and material:
Quiver (16.1 x 1.9 cm): Ray Skin, Brass, Cloisonné

Knife (Hilt and Blade: 11.1 cm, 13 cm): Iron, Wood, Brass

Tongue Scraper (21.8 x 0.5 cm): Ivory

Weight: 128 g

Technique: Fish-Skin Quiver, Gilding, Cloisonné

Motifs: Meandering Band, Blossom, Leaf, Dragon, Bat, Weasel

Short description:

The set contains a quiver holding a knife and a tongue scraper.

The quiver consists of a wooden base covered with the green skin of a ray fish. This extraordinary piece is adorned with richly designed bands and caps, as well as cuffs made of gold-plated brass, which in certain spots has been supplemented by cloisonné work. Special features of this set are the detailed dragon that stretches around the quiver in the upper band, two bat cuffs and a weasel as the fitting. Futhermore, the case is also decorated with an abundance of diverse floral motifs.

The floral motifs are continued in the brass cap of the wooden knife handle.

The tongue scraper is made of ivory.

Object 9a-c: Dentine Eating Set with Black Engraving
Object 88a-c: Wooden Eating Set with Metal Mounts and a Selection of the Attributes of the Eight Immortals, Knife with Jade Handle, Fabric Case

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