The Collection

The collection, which comprises around 200 objects, focuses on cutlery originating from Asia that was mainly used when traveling. They mostly date from the 18th and 19th centuries and consist of a case with a pair of chopsticks and a knife. They were worn on the belt along with other objects, for example a pouch for tobacco. The collection contains relatively simple sets as well as elaborate designs with precious materials.

The collection was founded 20 years ago by Dieter Ammer, who resides in Hamburg, and it has been steadily expanded ever since. The purpose of this website is to make the collection accessible online. Asian cutlery sets have been a coveted object of research in German and English-speaking countries. In connection with this collection, attempts are also being made to collate and expand upon the research results available to date.

Take part

Are you interested in doing research on the topic and contributing to the scholarly documentation of the collection?

Do you have any tips concerning literature, other collections or the sale of Asian cutlery?

Or would you like to have a look at the entire collection? Please feel free to contact us!

Explore the collection

Further links and literature

Philip H. Lewis, Chinese Eating Kits, in: Arts of Asia, November-Dezember 1990, S. 134–139.

Edward Wang, Chopsticks. A cultural and culinary History, Cambridge 2015.
ISBN: 1107023963

Lan Xiang, Chinese Chopsticks, Beijing 2005.
ISBN: 9787119038520

Die Ware aus dem Teufelsland: chinesische und japanische Cloisonné- und Champlevé-Arbeiten von 1400 bis 1900, Ausst. Kat. Museum für Kunsthandwerk, Frankfurt am Main, hg. v. Gunhild Gabbert Avitabile, Hannover 1981.
ISBN: 9783921811139